Urban Workspaces at Urban WORKlofts in Seattle, Washington

Hours & Map

Conveniently located in Seattle, WA, Urban WORKlofts is here to serve you! Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are here to answer all of your questions. Check out the map for our exact street location. Although different addresses, Cascade, Olympic, and the Inscape Buildings are located close by each other. Give us a call or, better yet, come on by to check out our available units. We look forward to meeting and talking to you!

Exterior of Cascade Building at Urban WORKlofts in Seattle, Washington

Cascade Building

918 South Horton Street Ste 1514
Seattle, WA 98134

Office Hours: 
Mon-Fri 9am - 5:30pm, CLOSED Sat & Sun.

Access Hours: 24/7

Directions to Location

Olympic Building

3250 Airport Way South Ste E
Seattle, WA 98134

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 9am - 5:30pm, CLOSED Sat & Sun.

Access Hours: 24/7

Directions to Location
Exterior of Olympic Building at Urban WORKlofts in Seattle, Washington
Exterior of Cascade Building at Urban WORKlofts in Seattle, Washington

Inscape Building

815 Seattle Blvd S
Seattle, WA 98134

Office Hours: 
Mon-Fri 10:30am - 4:30pm, CLOSED Sat & Sun.

Access Hours: 24/7

Directions to Location

Your New Work-Life Balance